How Often do I Really Need to Get my Teeth Cleaned?

How often do I really need to get my teeth cleaned?

If you read our other article about genetics and tooth decay, you learned that not all mouths are created equal. So, how often do you really need to get your teeth cleaned? The question should really be, how often do you really need to get your teeth cleaned. Keep reading to see what is best…

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Holistic Dental Health

Holistic dental health

Do we start in the attic or the basement: Holistic Dental Health Dental Health Influences your Overall Health If you are like me, you are inspired by the idea of spring cleaning, but as soon as you think about where to start, you loose a little motivation. Similarly, healthy living seems to be an exciting…

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Holy Halitosis, Batman!


Holy Halitosis, Batman! 6 Easy Steps to Eliminate Bad Breath. Do you ever feel like you are playing a scene from Batman, when out of nowhere your Halitosis knocks your would be sidekicks right out of the picture? POW! KA-ZAM!! If you were fighting off evil lurking criminals such as Joker, clearing the room with…

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5 Kisses That Changed History


5 Kisses That Changed History What is a kiss? There are as many meanings to a kiss, as there are lovers, babies, parents, and people of whom to kiss. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, let’s take a look back at some infamous kisses, and celebrate humanity’s vulnerability, connection, and desire to feel and give love.…

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Why You Need an Onlay or Crown

  Why You Need an Onlay or Crown You may have noticed that Elevated Dental performs onlay and crown services in just one appointment,eliminating the weeks of waiting that used to be associated with this service. An onlay replaces part of a tooth, while a crown covers the whole visible tooth. But why would you need…

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Dental Care During Pregnancy


Dental Care During Pregnancy Expecting mothers have a lot on their mind and a new born to be excited about. There are many dos and don’ts during pregnancy, but what should you do about your teeth? Is there anything to be concerned about for you and your unborn child? At Elevated Dental we help families…

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Taking Care of Teeth While They Begin To Grow

Taking Care of Teeth While They Begin To Grow There are plenty of questions parents have about raising children, especially when it comes to their health and well being. We at Elevated Dental love taking care of children’s teeth and here are a few things you can do to make your child’s smile fantastic for…

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The Monster Plaque


The Monster Plaque It’s fun to dress up during Halloween and do the Monster Mash. What will you be? A goblin, ghoul, wolf man, Dracula, or his son? Scraggly hair, open sores, mutilated limbs, and false teeth are all part of the scary parade. What is not fun is having your mouth look like a…

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The Scary Truth About Sugar


The Scary Truth About Sugar Keep Elevated Dental in business and eat lots of candy this Halloween. Seriously though, There are few things that can do more damage to your teeth and overall health than over-eating sugar. This sticky, sweet and tantalizing substance makes food delectably irresistible and modern humans cannot get enough of the…

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