11 Quick Ways to Make Mouth Sores Disappear

Mouth sores, how to get rid of mouth sores, canker sores, get rid of canker sores

Are you feeling like you can’t eat, talk, or live without doing something that hurts your mouth sores? I know how that goes. Canker sores and cold sores can be painful and annoying.

Mouth sores usually stick around from 7 days to 4 weeks, but there are things you can do to get some relief and speed up the healing process.

Canker Sores


  • Avoid acidic foods. Tomatoes, citrus, and spicy foods exacerbate pain and prolong healing with canker sores. If you have a torn or sensitive area in your mouth, stay away from these foods so you do not develop a canker sore.
  • Lysine taken at 500 mg daily is suggested to prevent  canker sores and 4000 mg daily decreases the length of canker sores.


At the Store:

  • Orajel is a numbing gel that is easy to find and does the job. Squirt a little on your canker sore before a meal and forget the actually enjoy your food!


At Home:

  • Salt can bring you some significant relief and accelerate the healing process. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish it around, allowing it to sit around your canker sore and cleanse your mouth.
  • Another numbing option is an ice cube. If your canker sore is frozen, it won’t bother you.

At the Dental Office:

  • Laser therapy for immediate relief. Healing time of the sore will be significantly decreased. The ideal time to come in for laser treatment on a canker sore is when there is as soon as it is noticed.


Cold Sores


  • Use sunscreen. Heavy exposure to sun often triggers cold sores to emerge.
  • Act quickly when you first start to experience signs of a cold sore. The faster you can begin treatment, the more effective the treatment will be.
  • Because cold sores are caused by a virus, you can protect yourself by bolstering your immune system.
  • Use of L-lysine. 1000 mg daily for 12 months and 1000 mg three times daily for 6 months.

At the Store:

  • Zinc oxide/glycine cream can often help cold sores heal quickly, especially when applied early in their development.
  • Because cold sores are contagious, replacing your toothbrush after your cold sore has healed can prevent future appearances.

At Home:

  • Eating healthily can give your body what it needs to beat the cold sore virus.
  • Avoid touching your cold sore. Make sure you wash your hands very well before you touch your face.

At the Dental Office:

  • Laser therapy for immediate relief. Healing time of the sore will be significantly decreased. The ideal time to come in for laser treatment on a cold sore is when there is still burning/tingling. Treatment is more predictable at this time and a lesion may never develop.


Follow these tips and you will be feeling better in no time! Get ready to enjoy that spotless smile again.

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