Teeth Cleaning

Checkups, Cleanings and Diagnostics
The first step to great oral health is consistent teeth cleanings and check-ups. Hygiene, diet and genetic issues are all taken into consideration when creating a plan for your smile. At your appointment there are three possible outcomes; emergencies, issues to monitor, and a clean bill of tooth health.
Dental Emergencies
This includes cavities, gum disease, periodontal disease and rotting roots. This also may include missing teeth, or denture challenges. These are problems that require immediate attention.
Coming Soon Treatments
The second category includes challenges that are beginning to happen, but not necessarily requiring immediate treatments. This may include minor decay, or early signs of gum disease.
Congratulation Appointments
The third category are healthy teeth and mouths, where nothing needs to be done. Congrats! We’ll see you in 6 months for your next cleaning!
Please plan 1 1/2 hours for your initial new patient visit. If you are a returning patient your appointment will take about an hour. Our primary focus is to do a thorough check of your oral health, with x-rays, and a top to bottom check we can identify your immediate and long terms dental needs.